Art Vs Science – Are They That Much Different?

Art Vs Science – Are They That Much Different?

If you are an alumnus of one of these schools of thought, you have probably heard this in some deprecate form (one degrading the other school) from some professor at some random university depending on your choice of studies.

I will not tell thee yet of which school I was taught in as it might actually be quite different than what one might think.

If you’re not willing to think for a second then probably this isn’t for you.

What do artists do?

They create beauty of aesthetic without limitation and rules. The artist can be seen as emotional and free. They think about a problem and don’t have to think about the constraints that limit that option. It’s called intuition. He sees all at once and needs no reason. Think Vivaldi – Concerto Grosso in G Minor. Think Renaissance.

What do scientists do?

They think and create where rationale and logic may follow. The scientist can be seen as cold and calculating. They think about a problem within the parameters that mother nature gave them. No matter if they’re theorists or observational scientists. It’s called reason for a reason. Think Quantum Mechanics. Think about translating cold hard math into physical form and vice versa.

Why can’t it be both?

The artist and scientist’s approach and methodology is very different, but what is at the root of it all? Imagination, ingenuity and passion for what they do. So could it be that it’s two sides of the same coin? If one disregards the other, are they committing emotional suicide or abandoning reason, depending on where they stand?

Something about the author:

This author was born and raised in Europe, on an island at the fulcrum of world history and heritage. When you think of all the empires of old, they’ve all left their mark in some shape or form on the country where I’m from. At the age of 16 this author created a local brand which thrives to this day in the entertainment industry. However despite this author’s passion for art, he underwent studies as a Bachelor of Science.

My bloodline or genealogy shouldn’t matter, as it is beside the point I’m trying to make. What I hope to achieve with this piece is to illustrate the duality of certain things which seem so obvious yet many are oblivious to. It doesn’t just apply to art and science. As a matter of fact it applies to a lot of nomenclature we use in human language. It can be confusing but it’s really simple if you exercise your potential for a second.

Let me give you just one other example how nomenclature can be misleading. In science the EM spectrum is the term we use to refer to the light wave/particle radiation. There is no UV light, visible light, x-rays, gamma rays, radio waves. It is all the same thing, but we call it different things depending on its frequency, operational use or whomever discovered it first. Talk about ego! And I’m not talking about the great people who made important discoveries. I’m talking about you who keeps regurgitating stuff and trying to create issues where none exist, hindering not only yourself but also those around you. If your wish is to evolve there needs to be a paradigm shift in your thought.

Ave Human.

About The Author

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